A Look Into Recycled Packaging

The Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation’s (APCO) Recycled Materials Pledge is a timely call for brands to transition away from using virgin and single-use materials.

When it comes to taking action for sustainability, there’s no time like the present. Which is why the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) is calling on businesses to commit to transitioning over to using recycled materials in their packaging. APCO has created the Recycled Materials Pledge and is seeking uptake from major brands. The pledge asks APCO members to publicly commit to assessing the volumes of specific materials they utilise as they move across to using more recycled materials by 2025.

This is ahead of the deadline for the National Packaging Targets which calls on companies to offer more sustainable packaging by 2025. Overseen by APCO, the targets require businesses to:

  • Offer 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging
  • Ensure 70% of plastic packaging is recycled or composted; and
  • Phase out single-use plastic packaging
  • All packaging should be made from at least 50% recycled content

According to APCO, “all pledges will be aggregated, analysed, and shared publicly” with the hope that this will give a clear indication of the high demand that exists for recycled content, as well as serve as a wake-up call for brands to transition to using recycled materials sooner.

Interpath Services, as part of the Bunzl group, is also working towards the 2025 National Packaging Targets as a member of APCO; through sourcing our own range as well as through the support we give to our customers to help them on their journey to also meet their targets.

For more information on how Interpath can assist its customers, contact our Team HERE.

